Tales from Antiquity and the Modern Age

Stories shape our reality. Join me as we journey together through ancient tomes and traditions and contemporary literature and media to further broaden our horizons, enrich our lives, and have a hell of a good time while we’re at it!

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Friday May 10, 2019

Yep, it's been a wild ride, but the show is over now (and some would argue it never really started haha).
I've found a new life path that works for me, and I'm taking it as far as it will go!
Thank you to all who listened, and who knows, maybe we'll meet again in another time and place!
Austin out.

Saturday May 26, 2018

I'm greedy for listeners, but at least I'll admit it. 100 reviews on iTunes is the big juicy steak I'm jealous for. However, one can't just steal reviews from iTunes - this ain't the jungle.
But you can help!
Share this show with your friends and family - I'm sure they'll love it too!
Thanks again for listening. More coming soon!

Friday May 25, 2018

Positive vibes, yo! Just spread them positive vibes! Ok, I'll stop making fun of those people who are like that, but there is some truth in such things. Maybe, instead of projecting toxic mentalities and habits, we SHOULD project healthy attributes like responsibility and timliness. Just a thought...
Thanks again for listening and sharing! There's more where this came from!

Thursday May 24, 2018

So... who wants a cookie? I hear from John the Baptist that locusts and honey are delicious too.
Thanks for listening in. Another episode will be coming tomorrow!

Monday Apr 23, 2018

Thank you for listening to my very first podcast episode!

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